Unable to access context menu by rightclicking (also posted in "User Interface Forum" of Windows IT PRO)
I am the administrator. Start up occurs normally. However, When I right click on a file or icon, desktop or in and drive, nothing happens. Nada. Neither in Desktop nor in files. I looked in Start Menu and all permissions seem to checked properly in Start Menu > Customize> "enable context menus and dragging and dropping", which is checked. OK: MY BAD --- All this occurred after I installed a software which is called "RegCleanPro", a supposed registry cleaner and registry defragger. The ReClean Pro software diagnostic indicated my registry had lots of errors, though I personally could not tell from how the computer operated. So I installed it and am sorry. I went to uninstall it after it wanted me to purchase the software and when I went to uninstall the software, during the uninstall process it offered me a free one time "fix" of the supposed registry problems. I went for it, ate the apple so to say. I know, know, I should not have installed in the first place but the software said it was a special Microsoft Partner, and its ad came up on a Windows 7 answer page to another unrelated question. I Uninstalled the RegCleanPro software. Restored system to an earlier point and still I have no access to my right click context menu. So my bad. I am reluctant to do a "Repair" install of Windows 7 without investigating all possibilities. (I have Windows 7 file (naturally without updates) in ISO format and in EXE format on pen drives, and a cd.) Please advise if there is a simpler way to retain access to right click functions. Please be very detailed in your suggestions. Please be VERY DETAILED to a fault in your explanations and directions. So one step at a time, please: Is there any way to initiate access to my right click / context menu function via a diagnostic or fix or repair or reinstall of this system function? Thank you in advance.HP DV 6928, Windows 7, Home Premium
May 16th, 2011 12:11am

Hi, Thanks for the post! It seems the RegCleanPro delete some registry of your context menu. Since there're many registry entries in Context Menu, I think it's very complicated to add them one by one. If you have a system backup, a system restore could be better for you. Or, try some third-party tools to configure the context menu. Refer to the guide here: http://www.winvistaclub.com/e11.html. Please note: there's a risk to do so. Regards, Miya Note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. | Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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May 19th, 2011 2:27am

Thank you. Will advise. I suspect that the issue may be after all, a hardware problem with the wireless mouse. A wired mouse works. Could it be that one mouse is affected and another works? Unlikely. May update Windows 7 nevertheless to make sure the registry is consistent with Windows 7.HP DV 6928, Windows 7, Home Premium
May 19th, 2011 8:13am

A hardware issue doesn't effect the Context Menu registry. It seems your wireless mouse is not able to use the "right-click". Update your wireless mouse driver, then try again, if it still fails, it could be the hardware issue. Regards, MiyaThis posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. | Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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May 20th, 2011 2:41am

I suspect that the issue clearly is a hardware issue. I have three usable mice, plus the track pad. I tested all three mice and low and behold the mouse with the issue still had the issue, the other two worked correctly. Things were going hooey for all tested devices for a while, and when I reinstalled the device drivers for the track pad and the mice, the mouse that was failing still failed, but the two other mice worked correctly. Thus I conclude the issue is the mouse itself, and will attempt to determine if the mouse is repairable. I have never in all the years I have used a computer had a mouse fail. This mouse is part of an HP set: HP Elite RF mouse/ keyboard combination. I have replaced the failed mouse with a wired mouse. The wired mouse works. Thank you all for your thoughts. One note: ought I consider upgrading Windows 7 to, if nothing else, get my Windows 7 back to a clean install type setup? Is this suggested, ever as a diagnostic tool? Sort of like a human being fasting once in a while to get his/ her body back to basics? I did run the /sfc scannow switch in the elevated C DOS prompt. And the report was everything was fine. Thoughts about doing an upgrade re-install of Windows 7 on top of an existing Windows 7? HP DV 6928, Windows 7, Home Premium
May 20th, 2011 8:53am

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